Saturday, March 29, 2014

March maddness

Yikes, these little ones are busy! Busy learning to talk, count, read, write, rock climb, ski, bike ... and be fantastic little people (well, at least sometimes!).  Hard to keep with all of the happenings, but here are a few highlights of March.

Adelaide turned six this month, and lost her second tooth (hard to say which was more exciting). One of her birthday highlights was going shopping with her birthday money (thanks grandparents, aunts, uncle!) - she picked her little things out and went to the counter all on her own to count her cash, and as we left she stood a little taller and said, "I feel so big." She's braver and smarter and more competent than ever. I'm amazed how 6 is so much older than 5. I'm grateful to have a little helper who's responsible and dependable, but I'm also grateful that she's goofy and creative and doesn't always do exactly what she should. Her bilingual language skills are absolutely incredible - she mixes Spanish and English in fantastic ways (e.g, last week labeled her drawing of the Grand Canyon as Gran KaƱen - the phonetic spelling in Spanish), demonstrating how her brain's language center is so malleable right now. She's very social, and honest and generally stellar. We're very much loving the little girl she's becoming.
The Miler has been interested in numbers and letters lately - with a big focus on 3s and Ms (humm) which he points out all over town. He's still super shy but has become quite the singer and lately has been putting on spontaneous "shows" on our window-sill-stage, with the main goal being earning applause. Tonight he peaked through the curtains with his ukelele and sang in a full opera voice, "Oh, I love to put on a show ... and sing a song that I really don't know ..." - his huge smile and soft curls are irresistible (but don't get out the camera - or he's gone!).

Anika for her part, now 17-months, and officially potty-trained, even on the airplane! She's a little rockstar, full of personality bigger than her tiny frame, and so ready to keep up with her siblings in every regard - her favorite word is "me" which is usually short for "I can do that myself - don't even think of helping". She loves to dress herself (with amazing success) and she's pretty certain that she's always in charge (and she's usually right).

Friday, January 17, 2014

Montessori toddler

Little Anika started her Montessori pre-school this week. I didn't work much, so we eased her in with little visits, then a 2-hour day, then a 3-hour day (so much easier than the transition that Adelaide got! We are all grateful not to go through that again!!).  She's a little social bug, and she seems just thrilled to have so many other babies to learn from, not to mention the special attention of a teacher to dote on her. Anika made particular friends with teacher Eric and apparently led him all around to watch her "work" - I had been mourning my decision to let her leave the house (even though it's only 3 days a week, to accommodate my work schedule), but now that she's already thriving, it certainly seems like a good decision. She is certainly proud of herself and all the things that she is learning. And now already we are sharing her little joyful personality with the world ... watch out world, this girl may be small, but she is captivating!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

the most wonderful time of the year

December is always such a whirlwind, and each year more and more fun and we form our family traditions. Adelaide this year was really interested in making her own Christmas decorations, (Hapee Krismis too al and too al a gud net!) so we had hand-made kid crafts everywhere. Miles attended his first Nutcracker (yes, little boys DO sit still!) and it was the highlight of his season - he loves the songs, the Mouse King, the story book. And little Anika was in awe of all the festivities - so many new adventures for her.
Joe and I escaped to Bend for our first weekend away from Miles or Anika, which was rejuvenating and relaxing in the midst of all the busyness, and of course we weren't missed a bit.
Over Christmas, we all had a sleepover at Grandma and Pop-pop's house (a little 'stay-cation') and had so much fun - watching a few Christmas movies, making cookies, Christmas morning in PJs, the 'usual' breakfast, and perhaps a few too many gifts.

All 3 of them were absolutely overjoyed by it - the perfect ages for "the true meaning of the season." Adelaide loved picking out and wrapping presents for other people, Miles was ever so well-behaved despite all of the excitement (showing his emotion with a huge grin and trembling hands) and Anika learned to sing along with our favorite carole "rum-pum-pum-pum" (our hilarious musical duets may soon become trios!). It's always a little sad when the decorations have to come down and it's back to school time, but this year brought lots of great memories to add to the pile.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

the big 3

Don't be befuddled by my late posting, Miles 3rd birthday was a momentous event. It followed close on the heels of spending a long weekend at the coast (celebrating Grandma's 60th birthday) with 30 of our favorite people (and a hot tub ... and SAND!). You might think that would be hard to beat, but we definitely did it.

Miles's love for the color purple is something I dearly love about this age. I have to wonder if there will come a day when he will be so embarrassed by all of the purple clothes (which are remarkably hard to find, for a little boy), purple toys, purple crayons ... but for these few months we are fully exploiting it.

The "purple party" was actually his idea, but we took it to the maximum -- purple decorations everywhere, purple paint for hand prints of the guests, Joe made purple flubber, purple ice to excavate and find purple rocks, a purple pinata filled with purple toys, even purple cabbage on the salad, and most critically purple cupcakes.  And Miles, "the purpler" himself, was in a little heaven of excitement to be the center of the fun for his day. Even more than I love his appreciation for purple, I just adore his "thrilled" expression - huge smile, body trembling, hands hiding his mouth - it's an expression we saw a lot.

As sad as it is to sad good-bye to 2-year-old-Miles, Miles at 3 is just delightful. He's charming and enthusiastic, still quite loving and snuggly, and a bit shy. He still likes to sleep on my tummy (heart-breaker!), and now he's learning to take good care of his sisters (just tonight when Ada cried because she dropped and broke something, he got a cloth to wipe her eyes) and to play so nicely with them. He certainly has a healthy bit of stubbornness, but far more often we see his infectious smile, and now an emerging logical side: "well, actually ... " Although my baby boy is long gone, little Miles is still pure sweetness and snuggles, and such a wonderful member of our family. When he is 13 and 23 and 63, the world will be a better place if Miles Nelson retains any of the great personality he has now at 3.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ready .... GO!!

She did it!  November 4th, her 13th month-birthday ... I stood her up and said, "Anika, walk!" and she did.  Amazing.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Officially a KID!!

 Anika's birthday has come and gone in a flash. She was the theme of her own party (lots of little Nica faces!), and she ate up the "happy birthday" attention.

 It's hard to believe that the baby phase is over ... but the baby bottles and changing table are gone, and little Nica is working hard to be a "kid' - she very much wants to keep up with her siblings. She drinks from a glass, eats with her own spoon, draws with a marker (and gets the cap back on it!), even occasionally puts a book back on the shelf.  No time for nostalgia about the end of the baby phase, she's growing up fast.

And I am overjoyed to know this sweet little peanut. She's incredibly social, meeting new friends like a champ, waving and chattering even to strangers sometimes (although she doesn't hesitate to give them the 'staredown' either). Although she's a good snuggler, she's our bravest little soul at this age, and it's so fun to watch her digest new situations. She absolutely adores Adelaide, and she's already learning how to play rough with Miles (cheap shots when he doesn't expect it!!).  Little Anika, welcome to childhood - as sad as we are that the baby of the family isn't a baby anymore, we are so proud of your little accomplishments and we can't wait to see what you will do next.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

first tooth

Anika (finally) got her first tooth, and she's working hard at figuring out how to use it!